Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are an advanced technology that will play a key role in the world trend toward renewable and sustainable industrial electrification solutions. Especially in Indonesia, the government's really aiming for Indonesia to be the world center for electric cars. The first electrical battery in Indonesia was recently built in Karawang, West Java. yet there are lots of settled battery manufacturers in Indonesia already.
The construction of this electric battery factory will increase the industry's contribution to the economy. This is because Indonesia has the largest reserves of nickel raw materials in the world, where if this nickel can produce added value when processed into electric batteries, it will add about six to seven times the added value. As for Lithium raw materials, the government targets Indonesia to be able to produce its own Lithium by 2022, so that domestic needs will no longer rely on imports.
Therefore, to keep pace with this technology, all battery factories in Indonesia need to compete in order to produce quality battery production. Batteries are a critical component of many products, and energy storage plays a very active role in our lives even outside of the research/industry setting. Therefore, selecting the right battery test equipment is an important decision for companies and the individual researchers who are responsible for producing results, whether they are starting small, or at massive scale.
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are an advanced battery technology which have four major components: anode, cathode, separator, and electrolyte. At Micromeritics we have instrumentation for all stages of battery production starting from the raw material precursors to the final battery cell. In the future the liquid electrolyte may be replaced by a solid electrolyte for improved safety and performance.
With Micromeritics, we can measure :
1. True absolute, and skeletal density, apparent volume, envelope volume, bulk density with Accupyc & Geopyc. Value for battery industry : expected to obtain a high volumetric energy density, indicator of purity and composition of the cathode which can be used to improve the overall performance, ensures stability of the slurry coating and drying process.
2. Surface area, pore size can be measured from 0,3 nm to 300 nm using a variety of different models, water vapor adsorption with Gemini, TriStar, ASAP, 3Flex. Value for battery industry : to guarantee the right ion accessibility and charging speed, help to optimize your battery components.
3. Mercury porosimetry, total pore volume, % porosity with AutoPore. Value for battery industry : to optimize separator pore size distribution for key safety consideration, quality control of final electrodes and separator.
4. Particle size with Sedigraph III Plus. Value for battery industry : precisely report weight percent of particles < 0,1 μm, optimize particle size ratio of cathode and solid electrolyte maximize the energy density.
5. Characterization of a powder (resistance, shear strength, compressibility, permeability) with FT4 Rheometer. Value for battery industry : understanding a powder’s specific energy, an indicator of inter-particular friction and mechanical interlocking, can help reduce agglomerates in the electrode slurry.
Micromeritics, your one stop for all Li-Ion Battery analytical needs to improve your Lithium-Ion battery’s safety, energy, power density, and cycle life. We are the world's leading supplier of high performance systems to characterize particles. The company has R&D manufacturing sites in the USA, UK and Spain. Our systems are the instruments-of-choice in more than 10.000 laboratories of the world’s most innovative companies. So, feel free to contact us if you need any info.